This PLiiNK (Prevent Lake Invasives in North Kawartha) presentation was prepared by Vickie Hartog and delivered by Doug Wellman/Mary Webb at the NORKLA Meeting
Water Quality and Invading Species – Kaleigh Mooney from Trent U
This is the presentation given by Kaleigh Mooney from Trent University at the NORKLA meeting on August 24, 2024
Where to See Us – June 8th
We’ll be with PLiiNK, Shoreline Conservation Peterborough and OFAH/ISAP
Lake Health Seminar
June 8th , 1:00pm-3:30pm
Come by and say Hi!

PLiiNK Awareness Session
Prevent Lake Invasives in North Kawartha
Spread the Word – Not Invasives
The PLiiNK Awareness Session took place on April 8th, 2024, introducing the community to PLiiNK.
For all of the presentation recordings and material, as well as a link to help us to help you follow this link to the PLiiNK – Where to Find Us – Awareness Session page.

The PLiiNK (Prevent Lake Invasives in North Kawartha) took place on April 8th, raising the
OFAH-ISAP January Newsletter 2024

In this issue:
- ISAP 2023 Reporting Recap
- New species added to the Invasive Species Act
- Update on the Mysterysnail Management & Removal Program
- Species Profile: Nutria
- Upcoming Events
Reach out to OFAH ( for the complete newsletter.
Aquatic Invasive Species Water Steward Handbook from ISAP
Matt Robbins
Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Liaison – 2022
Invading Species Awareness Program
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
4601 Guthrie Drive, Peterborough, ON, K9J 0C9

OFAH – ISAP – 2024 ISAP Water Stewards Summary
Hello Water Stewards, and Happy New Year!
I wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks again to everyone and all of their collected effort to help spread awareness on AIS and help prevent their spread.
This year the ISAP Water Stewards:
- Recruited over 62 New Volunteers
- Logged 584 Event Hours
- Inspected 59 Boats
- Spoke to 3418 People
- Attended 53 Events
In total, we made over 3,500 engagements, meaning 3,500 people saw our resources over the last year advocating for the prevention of the spread of AIS. Thank you for a great summer season, Water Stewards!
I have also already begun planning our attendance at events for the 2024 season, so if you know of any events like annual general meetings (AGMs), fishing tournaments, festivals or fairs where we could help spread some awareness on preventing the spread of AIS, or even preventing the spread of AIS by cleaning boats with our free boat wash station, please let me know! We attended a lot of great events last year and it would be great if we could attend those events again. We even held a dozen training events, teaching volunteers how to practice Clean Drain Dry. If this kind of training is something you might thing would benefit a certain group, we would be happy to come by.
Conversely, we are always looking for new volunteers. Please share the link to our Water Steward Webpage:
I hope everyone had a restful holiday season and are ready to continue the fight against AIS!
Yours in Conservation,
Jeff Berthelette
ISAP Outreach Liaison 2024
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)
P.O. Box 2800
Peterborough, ON K9J 8L5
Phone: 705.748.6324 ext 206
Fax: 705.748.9577